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How to Excel in Your Online Job Interview

Sc April2023 77

​Navigating the job market in a COVID-19 world isn’t easy. Even when eased restrictions are in place, we are finding that employers are still favouring video interviews despite having the ability to conduct face-to-face interviews due to convenience.

We have some simple tips to help you nail your next online job interview:

1: Preparation is key
Make sure you have double-checked your interview start time and checked that your computer and internet are set to go!

2: Dress to Impress!
Make sure you are dressed professionally from head to toe. Not only will this ensure you look great, but it will help you feel ready to present the best version of yourself.

3: Check your surroundings
Ensure you have your set up in a quiet area with good lighting focused on your face. You want a potential employee to be able to see and hear you clearly!

4: Enunciate!
Computers can be glitchy at times, so speak slowly and clearly to ensure every word is heard.

5: Look straight into the camera when speaking
Looking straight at the camera will help to keep your interviewer's attention.