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How To Nail Your Cover Letter

Sharp Carter Mar2023 90

​Cover letters are still an essential part of a job application and can differentiate you from other candidates. A cover letter is essentially a marketing document used to pitch yourself and your relevant experience highlighting why you are the best candidate for the role.

We have 5 tips to help you to write the best cover letter tailored to each opportunity.

1: Address who you are speaking to

Your cover letter should always formally address who it is speaking to. This creates a tone of respect throughout your cover letter.

2: Be concise and outline how you can fulfil the job role (use keywords)

A job role will outline the basics of what the role requires. In your cover letter, choose a few of these important requirements and explain how you can fulfil them, linking to examples of your previous experience. Also use keywords that the job poster has used.

3: Add personality

Your cover letter allows you to write in a tone that showcases your personality. Use words you usually use and include real-life examples.

4: End with a call to action

You want to end your cover letter with a call to action. For example, end your cover letter by outlining your interest in the role and your eagerness to speak with someone from the company very soon.

5: Proofread!

The last thing you want is a spelling or grammar mistake in your cover letter. Run your cover letter through an online spell check and have someone proofread to ensure every word and sentence is correct.

Click hereto download our comprehensive guide on job applications, including advice on resume and cover lettering writing and optimising your LinkedIn profile.