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Put Your Skills to Work

Sc April2023 16

Looking for a job is scary, it can feel overwhelming and competitive. However we know the secret that can help you stand out above the rest, and that is YOU. It is yourself, your assets and specific set of skills.

No one can be you and no one can do the job like you can. Remembering this will help you to feel confident in the idea that wherever you are applying for would be lucky to have you.

But how can you apply your skills, whether they be technical skills or even social skills?

First place to start is to hone in on your skills. Understand what they are and what skills are your strongest.

For example, if you have excellent social skills and find yourself feeling confident when thrown into a multitude of situations then make sure you highlight this in your interview. Tell the interviewer examples of how you utilise your social skills and how it has helped you achieve career goals.

If you skills are more technical such as being proficient in adobe design then make sure you let the interviewer know! Tell them about a project you worked on or headed and how you used your skills to deliver the final results.

You are your best asset and your skill set is your deck of cards that you can play to win any game you want.