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Three Ways To Humanise Your Hiring Process And Create A Better Candidate Experience

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1: Be upfront about your hiring process

There is nothing worse for a candidate going through the grueling process of interviewing than receiving another auto response email when submitting their resume. ‘Thank you , we will be in touch’ auto response leaves the candidate feeling deflated, unheard and unseen. Use this touchpoint to create a personal connection and to accurately set expectations and timelines. Ensure you have someone responding who can talk to the candidate in a personal way and who can try to answer every question an applicant would have after submitting a resume.


2: Too many interview ‘rounds’.

In today’s market, you will struggle to find candidates who are eager to complete a series of multiple steps to prove their worthiness for your position. Therefore setting expectations with applicants is so important. If you do have 3 – 5 steps within your interview process, it is important to explain to the candidate why each step is valuable and reflect your companies culture.

Create the touchpoint of interview rounds as a point where candidates can better understand your companies culture and why their time will be valued.


3: Set your candidate up for success, no matter the outcome.

Candidates will feel relieved to know they are applying to a company that is willing to consider them as real people—not just an application. If candidates know that their time and conversations are being valued, they leave the interview process feeling respected.

Even if the candidate does not receive the position, giving them personalised feedback and encouraging words going forward will create a humanised and kind candidate experience.