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The Importance of Interview Feedback

The Importance Of Interview Feedback

Interview feedback is one of the most helpful and constructive things you can provide a candidate after their interview.

This feedback is especially critical when the candidate does not succeed within your job-hunting process.

But why is it important? And what sort of feedback can you provide to improve a candidate’s chances of securing their next role? Keep reading our suggestions below.

1: Improvement of soft skills

One of the most important parts of the interview process is your conversational skills and ability to hold a dynamic discussion. Many candidates learn how to improve their conversational skills while within their job search, so passing on feedback re their soft skills can exponentially improve their chances of securing their dream job.

Feedback around soft skills can be:

-       Practice answering typical interview questions.

-       Be prepared as you can be by knowing your resume back to front.

-       Present your personality and talk about your strengths and weaknesses.

2: Resume improvement

Resume’s can be a big reason why a candidate may not be securing any jobs. Providing feedback on their resume and ways in which to improve / better ways to put forward their experience and skills will help them to put their best foot forward.

3: Interview structure

An interview structure is well known within the recruitment world, however for a candidate newly on their job search, knowing the process of an interview may be something they have little to no idea on.

Some feedback you can provide is to advise a candidate to practice interview scenarios and read up on how their particular industry structure interviews.

4: Suggestions and tips for the future.

The best piece of feedback to provide is a piece of feedback that is specifically for the candidate. Whether that be around their interview answers or even the industry type they are interviewing for. Shaping their career goals for the better can point a candidate in their optimal direction and can ultimately lead them to a career that is fulfilling for years and years to come.


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