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Hiring For Soft Skills


With significant technological advances, soft skills are coming to the forefront of business’s minds when hiring new employees.

Many businesses are finding soft skills to be much more indicative of future performance than hard skills. Soft skills play a significant role in how a person approaches work-related tasks, builds relationships and communicates with their colleagues and other stakeholders. Therefore, it's vitally important to be able to assess them and understand them when interviewing and hiring.

So, what are soft skills exactly?

Soft skills are personality traits that shape the way we work, act, and interact with others. These skills represent a range of different abilities and attributes that are often necessary for success in a particular role.

For example, if the candidate is showing strong communication skills, the hiring manager can place probable bets that this candidate will be able to communicate effectively within their team, take on advice and get the job done. Soft skills are highly transferable and can be applied to numerous situations in various roles. As society continues to grow digitally, soft skills will become more vital in the workplace.

By placing importance on soft skills within the interview process, your business can better understand how the individual will perform in a specific role.

Key insights about how an individual interacts with colleagues, performs work related tasks, communicates, and builds relationships are not always easy to discover during an interview or by looking at a resume.

Reach out to us for further information regarding interviewing for soft skillsHERE.