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5 Trends in Human Resources To Expect in The Next 6 Months

Sharp Carter Mar2023 90

We delved into the mind of a recruiting expert and sat down with Haylea Smith, Human Resources Manager in Brisbane to gain her five insights into the ever-evolving trends and predictions shaping the recruitment landscape.

See below her recruitment forecast:

1. Industrial relations is a skill in demand at the moment in both generalist and specialist roles. Organisations are needing to be more creative with their employee benefits and improving their EBA’s in service sectors like hospitality, education and health care.

2. Seeing less hybrid working arrangements, this is stabilising back to 1-2 days work from home in most sectors, less so in manufacturing and retail environments.

3. A shortage of candidates up to the $110K level, candidates are in high demand and salaries have driven up due to this, making it difficult for clients to determine budgets before going to market direct or through agencies.

4. HR titles are inconsistent across all states making it difficult for candidates to understand where they fit into the current market; recruiters have become valuable to candidates who are exploring the market after long tenure in their roles.

5. Diversity & Inclusion is a bigger focus in roles at the moment – particularly for organisations who are seeking to strengthen their relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people and under-represented groups in workforce.

To get in touch with Haylea or any of our other consultants in the Human Resources field click here

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